Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Leap between research and findings

In Chapter 8 of Change Matters, we are presented with the question of "What happens within that quantum leap between research and findings?" I think this is a very good question to consider, since it not only seeks the knowledge of what takes place in that process, but also begs that we critically and almost metacognitively analyze what occurs psychologically and even subconsciously that allows us to draw conclusions from information gathered in either qualitative or quantitative research. It is also a perfectly relevant note to be brought up in this chapter, since we as a class are beginning to delve into what we will be doing and how, for our research papers.
Another piece of relevance I found within this question, is this interesting notion of considering what is taking place in our minds as we draw our conclusions. That is, what kind of presuppositions are we allowing to permeate into our findings. This connects seamlessly with what was discussed in class today, and ultimately ties into our paper, which is becoming more and more the focal point of the class. It will be interesting, and important, to metacognitively note what mechanisms are at work in reaching my final conclusions based off of the research that I will have gathered. (AI)

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