Wednesday, September 26, 2012

does tolerance apply to everyone?

This week I am including a link from the Daily Show that parodies the Democratic convention.  While the clip I viewed does not reference education directly, it did spark my thoughts into questioning whether our teaching of tolerance is actually teaching tolerance and acceptance of everyone, or just select groups that tend to be highlighted and portrayed in negative ways in our culture.  It reminded me that there are multiple sides to any story.  Are we treating everyone equally or are we always infusing our own bias, whether conscious or subconscious?  The clip portrays people that feel they are inclusive to all, but there are clear exceptions in wealthy and republicans. Are we not to some degree always imposing our own beliefs by teaching students this idea of including certain groups?  I began to wonder if we need to be careful to include opposing arguments in our classroom by teaching of injustice as much as justice.  Just because I believe students should think critically about all that they encounter- does not mean all educators will agree.  Perhaps we need to emphasize that students should take critical literacy and apply to all they learn in a classroom as well as texts and the media?  So far all I have learned implies teaching students to be critical of others, and to accept that as a truth.  Is that not imposing bias though in itself even though I believe tolerance is right and believe strongly in social justice, is it imposing my beliefs by teaching this to students, or is it allowing them to form their own opinions about people? (CC)

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