Saturday, September 8, 2012

Teaching Social Math?!

I am a big advocate for social justice and have a great passion for educating others about equality and the need for equal opportunities. However, I am going to be a mathematics high school teacher. I always wondered to myself: How can I make a social justice topic relate to math? Is it possible to incorporate it into a math curriculum? Especially with all of the standardized testing in mathematics in high school today, it is hard to fit anything into the curriculum other than what is needed to pass these tests. However, through my research last week that I did when I was making my Pinterest about Teaching Social Justice, I found a book called Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers. This book incorporates all different types of lessons that allow teachers to weave social justice into math problems without wasting precious class time. When I first entered the field, I thought the only way to advocate for social justice at school for a math teacher would be through after school activities and clubs, however, now I learned that it can be accomplished in the classroom as well. I think that this is extremely important for educators to realize. No matter what subject you are teaching, there are ways to educate on social just need a little inspiration and creativity! (AM)

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