Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Teaching for Social Justice

     To be honest, before taking some of my courses here at Adelphi, I had never really thought about social justice in education. Having come from a school district which was able to afford most things for their students to strive and stay current with most technologies out there, I had not really thought as to how lucky I was to have the high school experience I did. Looking back now, I see how not all school districts are fortunate enough to provide certain things to their students. This in itself is social inequality in education. Also, now that my sister has gone through high school, I really see how important it is as a teacher to realize that each student has their own needs in order to succeed. While a whole class may be considered "on the same level," this is not usually the case. Each student needs to be looked at individually to ensure that they receive the attention they need in order to strive. I feel that this class is really going to open up my eyes to what social justice in the classroom really is and various ways to improve my skills as a future teacher. (SL)

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