Topic: To what extent will the use of technology in the classroom influence student achievement?
Research Survey: Interview (Questionnaire) Literature Review
Technology is considered to be the driving force of the 21st century. It has played and continues to play a major role in human development and existence. From hi-tech gadgets, the internet, smart phones and tablets, technology is basically part of our lives.
In schools, technology has helped both teachers and students to discover a part of them that was hidden, it has helped to change the way we teach and learn. Technology has influenced schools in ways that have created a domino effect on the society. The advent of the internet, smart boards, virtual manipulative, simulations and models has created a vast array of choices and opportunities for both teachers and students to choose and work with.
Technology is only effective when it achieves its specific goal. In other words, all the technology in the world may not produce any positive change if it is not used effectively to solve the required problem. That is where the human factor comes in. In this research, I have tried to ask the questions, find the facts and dissect in a analytic way the way technology would work effectively for our schools. There is an ongoing argument by stake holders and United states , congress on why there has not been a drastic improvement in education despite all the billion of dollars that was invested in technology since the 1990’s. It is a question worth asking and which requires an answer.
Contrary to the notion that pumping money into technology is the way to compete with other countries in Asia and Europe, who already have a well organized system of education that partners well with technology to yield maximum results. The reality is that, irrespective of the funds that have been pumped into developing technological applications for student learning, the factors that will ultimately result in the partnership between Education and technology to create a functional system for the future have not been identified or dealt with. This is the purpose of this research: To identify how, why, if and which factors have or will influence student achievement provided there is better strategic solutions that will enhance good technology/education partnership.
Five Sources
1. Critical Issue: Technology: A catalyst for teaching and learning in the classroom. Gilbert Valdez, Ph D., director of North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium.
2. Critical Issue: Using technology to improve student achievement
Katherine McMillan Culp, Education Development Center . Inc, 2005. Www.
3. Technology in Education: Apple Education, Engines for Education, Cornell theory center, www.
4. 8 ways technology is improving Education: Sarah Kessler, 2010, Mashable.
5. The case for social media in schools:
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