Physics can be incorporated into social justice in a variety of ways. The fundamental concepts taught at the high school level can shed light on new technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the way we approach energy policy. The cost of energy is a concern of every nation on earth. What is the cost? Do we have the supply to power a productive society and economy? What non-traditional ways can you think of to produce enough energy to accomplish these goals? These are all questions that can be posed to students learning basics both to help generate a more broad way of thinking and also to show them that if these models are extrapolated one can solve an assortment of different problems. As one can see this works both ways. Physics can be used to promote social justice issues but these same issues can be used to demonstrate that physics plays a role in our society. By doing this you are encouraging those interested in physics to view the field in a different context while showing those interested in government and policy that physics and science education must be addressed and understood to make informed decisions. (gh)
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