How can math teachers incorporate social justice topics into their high school math curriculum?
For this research topic I would do research by looking for resources such as books or websites that have ideas about the topic. Another form of research I will do is survey teachers at the school I am observing at. I will ask the teachers if they incorporate social justice into the lessons. If they do, I will ask them how they do so and if they find it difficult. If not, I will ask (1) If they would like to? (2) Why they don't? (time, standardized tests, etc.). I would like to see how many high school math teachers actually find the time and the methods in order to incorporate social justice issues into their lessons.
I find this topic extremely interesting. I am going to be a high school math teacher and would love to know ways to involve social justice in my teaching. It seems pretty hard to find a connection between math and social justice, but I know that through the small amount of research I have done personally throughout this class, it is possible. After making my lesson plan, I realized how easy it really is, we just aren't aware. So, my goal of this research project is not only to get ideas for myself, but to also be able to educate other math teachers about the ability and ways to incorporate social justice into their lessons.
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