Sunday, September 9, 2012

Social Justice... Right or Privilege?

In today's world, the word "in" is fast becoming a prefix associated with "justice". Yes, we all like to believe that we are doing the right thing and some people will argue that sacrifices ought to be made to achieve a goal; hence, the excuse of doing injustice to preserve justice. It is funny to me when I hear the phrase "All men are created equal" being repeated over and over again by unscrupulous elements who are in the habit of using the phrase, yet never practicing what they preach. The pursuit of freedom, equality and justice for all is struggling to take a foothold even in the so called land of the free.There has been a hypocritical repetition of injustice throughout history, which, unfortunately in the 21st century remains a monster that continues to rear its ugly head. Is it a right or privilege? This question should never arise in a perfect world, but unfortunately, our world is far from a perfect one. In Syria, it is far from a right.  In China, it is far from a right.  In parts of Africa, the struggle continues and even in the good ole USA, yes...the USA, the debate is heated on whether it is a right or privilege.  That said, all hope is not lost, for we as educators need to keep hammering home the truth. Our students are the future and in their hands we place the destiny of humanity.  Equality is a right bestowed upon us by our creator. If you are religious, the bible states that all men are created in the image of God.  If you are a scientist, then maybe you can argue that as higher animals, we are not completely immune to the law of natural selection which proposes survival of the fittest. Or from Thomas Malthus's perspective, which argued that human rights should be tossed out of the window as a key to controlling world population. Whatever your view, religious, scientific or economic, take a look around the world today.  Can you honestly say that social justice is a privilege or right?  (OO)                

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